Shariah orders of sacrifice
Islam is a complete code of life, there is no area of human life in which Islamic teachings are insufficient to guide. But! The tragedy is that the people have declared knowledge of Shariah issues as a forbidden tree and have been satisfied with what they have heard as the rules of Shariah.
Therefore, some issues are mentioned below. Read them, understand them and practice them as much as possible. May Allah Almighty bless us all with the blessings of this world and the hereafter. Amen
Sacrifice is following the Sunnah of Abraham and obeying the command of Allah Almighty. As the saying of Rabani, meaning: “We have appointed a sacrifice for every nation.”
Conditions for the sacrifice to be obligatory:
Being a Muslim is not a sacrifice for a non-Muslim.
* Being a resident, so it is not necessary for the traveler to perform the sacrifice, but he can perform the posthumous sacrifice.
* To be the owner of the syllabus, here the syllabus does not mean the syllabus from which Zakat is obligatory, rather it is the syllabus from which Sadaqah al-Fitr is required. Being a man is not a condition for it, so even for a woman, if she is the owner of the curriculum, the sacrifice will be obligatory.
There are three types of sacrificial animals: A camel or a she-camel must be at least five years old. Cows, bullocks, buffaloes and water buffaloes must be at least two years old. Goats, goats, lambs and sheep must be at least one year old. If an animal is older than the specified age, it is preferable, if it is younger, it cannot be sacrificed, but if the animal is six months old and looks like a year old, then its sacrifice is permissible.
A goat, a goat, a sheep and an ox can be slaughtered by only one man in a sacrifice. While seven people can participate in cow, ox, buffalo, buffalo, camel and she-camel. Also, the share of all seven people is equal and for the sacrifice, the intention of all must be to please Allah Almighty, otherwise the sacrifice will not be done.
* In the sacrifice of parts, it is usually the case that the skins are kept by those who perform the sacrifice for their mosque or madrassa and no one objects to it. If he says that he should not give the skin of my part anywhere, rather he should give it to me, then it is not permissible to give the amount of skin of his part to the mosque or seminary.
An animal with any of the following defects is not permitted to be sacrificed: Horns, broken bones. Be mad enough to stop grazing. The force should be so low that there is no marrow left in the bone. Be blind, be deaf. Be so sick that you cannot walk. Ears, tail, chin are cut off more than third part. Be empty of ears. More than a third of the vision is gone. One goat, two cow udders dry or cut. An animal has both male and female markings (i.e. male and female). Be a dirt eater. His foot is amputated. The tongue is so cut that it cannot eat food.
Animals whose meat is eaten. Some of these parts are forbidden and some are forbidden and mentioned as follows: Blood of the veins. pitta urinary bladder. Male and female symbols. testicles Ghadood (a lump inside the body called Ghadda in Arabic). Forbidden brain. Two muscles of the neck are stretched to the shoulders. Liver blood. Splenic blood. Meat blood that comes out of the meat after slaughter. Heart’s blood Bile means the yellow water that is in the bile. Nasal discharge is common in congestion. Stool position. Intestines. Sperm. The sperm that became blood. The piece of flesh that is formed from the sperm in the womb. The sperm that became a whole animal and came out dead or died unslaughtered. (Fatawa Rizviyyah)
The time of sacrifice is three days and two nights from the sunrise of the 10th of Dhul-Hijjah to the sunset of the twelfth of Dhul-Hijjah. However, it is makruh to perform sacrifice at night due to the possibility of error.
* While performing Qurbani, lay the animal in such a way that both the animal and the slaughterer face the Qiblah because this is a fixed Sunnah.
(Fatawa Rizviyyah)
It is recommended for a person who has to perform Qurbani to trim his nails and cut his hair after Qurbani, as the Holy Prophet (PBUH) said, meaning: “Whoever sees the moon of Dhul-Hijjah and intends to do Qurbani.” So he should never trim his hair and nails. (Muslim, Tirmidhi)
* The slaughter of an apostate, a polytheist, a magician, a madman, an ignorant person, and a person who intentionally omits Takbeer is haram and dead, and the slaughter of others is lawful. While the veins are properly cut. Even if the victim is a woman or a child with understanding or a mute or uncircumcised.
(Reference: Fatawa Rizviyyah)
* If a child comes out of the belly of a cow or a goat after slaughtering it, then the sacrifice will be done, but if the child is dead, then it is forbidden to throw it away, and if it is alive, then it is permissible to slaughter it. (Spring of Law)
* If a person does not perform the sacrifice even though it is obligatory, then that person is guilty of a major sin and disobedient to the command of Allah, the Most High, as the saying of Rabani means: “And pray for your Lord and perform the sacrifice.” Also, in the blessed Hadith, there is a promise about such a person that the Holy Prophet, peace be upon him, said, Meaning: “He who does not offer sacrifice despite his wealth, should not come near our place of Eid.” (Ibn Majah).
* In most of the houses, women have more gold than Nisab. Qurbani is obligatory on them whether they are in use or not. If there is no money for the sacrifice, then the sacrifice has to be done by selling gold or taking a loan.
(Spring of Law)
The sacrificial skin is not the right of the poor, but they can use it for any reward, but it is better to give it to madrasahs and mosques, and it is not permissible to give it to a butcher as a wage.
(Fatawa Rizviyyah).
Bismillah must be recited on every sacrifice. If someone forgets to recite Bismillah while slaughtering, then the animal is halal, but if he deliberately abandons it, then it is haraam. Similarly, if you read it in your heart, then it is also forbidden. (Spring of Law)
Qurbani can be done by the deceased.
Qurbani is not permissible before the Eid prayer in the city. If the Eid prayer is performed at any place in the city, the sacrifice is permissible. In villages or villages where the Eid prayer is not permissible, the time for sacrifice becomes the dawn of the 10th of Dhul-Hijjah. (Fatawa Amjadiya)
It is not permissible to give sacrificial meat to non-Muslims (Christians, Jews, Hindus, etc., provided that they are soldiers). If he gives it, he is guilty. It is not obligatory to repeat the sacrifice because of giving meat to a non-Muslim. (Fatawa Faizul Rasool)
Sacrificial animals should be cared for and respected and try to cause as little pain as possible, anything that causes unnecessary pain to an animal is makruh. It is recommended to sharpen the knife before slaughtering the animal. (Dirmukhtar).
It is permissible to castrate an animal, it is not a defect because the meat is better when castrated (Khalasa al-Fatawa) and the slaughtering of castrated animals is also mentioned in the blessed hadith that the Holy Prophet (PBUH) castrated two ram-horned goats. Slaughter it. (Al-Zawaid Assembly)
The animal should be slaughtered in such a way that all four or at least three veins are cut. If three veins are cut, the animal will be lawful, otherwise it will be forbidden.
There was no such defect in the animal at the time of purchase. Because of which the sacrifice is invalid, after that, if there is a defect, then it will be seen that if that person is the owner of the nisab, then he should sacrifice another animal, and if he is not the owner of the nisab, then he should sacrifice the same.
* If the sacrificial animal dies, it is obligatory on the rich person to sacrifice another animal, while it is not obligatory on the poor to buy another animal.
* Slaughter with your hands. If not, stand by him. Before slaughtering, read the dua of sacrifice, then place the knife on the neck of the animal and read aloud Bism-i-Allah-i-Allah-U-Akbar. Four or three veins of the animal must be cut. Neither less nor more. After slaughtering the animal, recite the dua.
When the animal has cooled down and the spirit is completely gone, take off the skin and after preparing the meat, if the cow had a share, weigh it with scales and make it equal to seven parts. Apportionment by estimation alone is not permissible. Divide the seventh part of the goat or cow meat that you got into three parts and keep one part at home, give the second part to friends and relatives and distribute the third part to the poor and needy. Donate the rope of the animal, the cloth put on it and the necklace etc